
  • 6 Rules to Improve Your Cat's Diet

    Do Not Overfeed "Obesity is the most common nutritional disease seen in cats," says Joe Bartges, DVM, PhD at the University of Tennessee's College of Veterinary Medicine. It is a common bad habit for cat owners to feed their cats too much. Cats only need 24 to 35 calories per pound of body weight each

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  • All About Hairballs

    Does your favorite feline leave you hairballs as gifts? If so, you’re not alone. Although we love cats for being meticulous groomers, it’s safe to say we don’t like finding hairy presents around the house. Let’s explore what causes hairballs and how to prevent them. What Causes a Hairball? Hairballs

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  • Caring for Senior Horses

    With proactive veterinary care, horses can live well into their late 20s and early 30s. In fact, the average life expectancy for most horses is now between 28 and 33 years. Basic senior wellness care includes dental care, balanced nutrition, and hoof care. This care ensures horses remain healthy and

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  • 5 Ways to Protect Your Dog's Hearing

    The acuity of your family dog's hearing far surpasses that of humans. Hearing is a critical sense to dogs, and when diminished, will increase dependency on the sense of smell. When a dog hears something, he can hear it without moving his head. Many muscles surrounding the ears help dogs get premium sound

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  • Advances in Equine Breeding & Assisted Reproduction

    Assisted equine reproduction has opened up new possibilities in the equine sporting community for horses where this was once limited. With the help of your equine veterinary specialist you can determine if your horse is an ideal candidate for this process either to become artificially inseminated or

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